Welcome to our 2021 Virtual Meeting




  • 09:30-09:40 President’s Welcome

  • 09:40-10:35 Virtual Papers Session 1

  • 10:35-11:00 Karl Storz lecture 

  • 11:00-11:10 Break

  • 11:10-12:00 Virtual Papers Session 2

  • 12:00-12:25 Virtual Papers Session 3

  • 12:25-12:30 Closing remarks


  • 09:30-10:25 Virtual Papers Session 4

  • 10:25-10:50 Azad Najmaldin Lecture

  • 10:50-11:00 Break

  • 11:00-11:50 Virtual Papers Session 5

  • 11:50-12:25 Virtual Papers Session 6

  • 12:25-12:55 Panel: MIS Mullerian

  • 12:55-13:00 Closing remarks

  • 13:00-13:30 BAPES AGM


OUR 2021 Keynote LECTURES

2021 Karl Storz Lecture: Minimally invasive Approach to obstructed and refluxing megaureters


 Professor Manuel Lopez graduated from the Universidad Libre, Colombia and has trained in Argentina, France, Switzerland and Spain. He is currently head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Urology at the University Hospital of Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain. He is head of the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute and a Professor at the University Autonoma of Barcelona. He is a frequent presenter of papers at international conferences and has authored over 100 scholarly articles and book chapters. He has spoken as an invited guest speaker and given live surgical demonstrations at congresses and annual meetings of professional bodies in Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Colombia, Spain, France, Cambodia and Cuba and the Iberoamerican meeting. He is a member of faculty of Pediatric Surgery at the IRCAD, the International of Pediatric Endoscopic Group (IPEG), the European society of Pediatric endoscopic Surgeon (ESPES) and a member and Secretary of the executive committee of Chest Wall International Group (CWIG).


2021 Azad Najmaldin Lecture: Fetal surgery No Longer a gimmick - case selection and outcomes

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 Professor Jan Deprest MD PhD FRCOG is Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the KU Leuven (Belgium) and UCL (UK). He has a research interest in fetal surgery, in particular  antenatal interventions that modulate fetal development in the case of congenital birth defects. He directs the clinical fetal surgery program in Leuven, and set up the program at University College London Hospital to treat fetuses with spina bifida and congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Both teams are working on novel image guided surgical instruments for fetal surgery. He initiated and directed the Eurofoetus consortium which designed a series of fetoscopic instruments with support from the European Commission. He has published over 690 peer reviewed papers, and directed over 30 PhD projects. He has been awarded the Haackert foundation gold medal (2015), the ISUOG Ian Donald Award (2018) and the J Daels prize by the Belgian Royal Academy of Medical Sciences.

Meet The Expert: MIS Management of Mullerian Anomalies

Presentations from 3 experts and a moderated discussion covering tips & tricks, do’s & don’ts, complications and outcomes.

  • Laparoscopic management of obstructed systems

Mr. Alfred Cutner, Consultant Gynaecologist, University College London Hospital, London, UK

  • Laparoscopic management of urogenital sinus anomalies

Dr. Daniela Gorduza, Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France

  • Laparoscopic vaginal reconstruction

Prof. Pravin Mhatre, Professor Emeritus Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Seth GS Medical College, KEM Hospital, N.Wadia Hospital, Mumbai, India


Register online today. Registration is free for BAPES members. For non-members registration is £30 but confers 1 year of BAPES membership.

Our Sponsors:

Find out more about our sponsor KARL STORZ


Find out more about our sponsor LAW MED